
Giunti Varia

/ editorial design /

Book covers and editorial design for Varia book series, published by Giunti Editore since 2017.

SRM: 20 anni, 20 parole

/ editorial design / illustrations /

SRM is a research center born in 2003 and focused on the analysis of production and tourism chains as well as on the port-logistics and energy sectors in Southern Italy. For the twenty years anniversary, a celebratory book has been designed, introducing twenty identifying words illustrated and accompanied by perspectives on the Center from institutional, academic, associative and entrepreneurial representatives, who have approached SRM during these years.

SRM is related to Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group and also supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

SRM book cover
Visual with colored squares and illustrations
Book pages
Pages with SRM timeline
Mediterranean illustration
Spread pages about Mediterraneo
Spread pages about Industria
Spread pages about Reti
Vision illustration


/ editorial design / book layout /

Ikigai is the Japanese method of knowing oneself, discovering how to achieve happiness in everyday life.
Written by Bettina Lemke and published by Giunti Editore in two editions (2017 and 2021)

First edition (2017)


Updated version (2021)

Ci vuole un fiore

/ editorial design / book layout /

The kingdom Plantae offers wonderful stories. Ci vuole un fiore is a book that reveals the natural beauty of flowers and plants, enriched by photographs, graphic elements and patterns.

Plant photography: Eleonora Marchi
Publisher: Codice Edizioni

Pasta. Le forme del grano.

/   editorial design   /    illustration /

A book about pasta shapes, recipes and stories that have made this food symbol of Italian gastronomic culture.
Published by Slow Food Editore and curated by Antonio Puzzi.


/ poster design /

TIPIdeVOTI is a typographical artwork in which fictional politics combines with typography.
Designed for PolisGraphics exhibition as a poster and folded to be freely distributed to visitors, the artwork is an imaginary list of candidates, whose names relate to typographical features, used as graphic elements to illustrate their face.


Exhibition: PolisGraphics. Arti applicate “impegnate”
11-31 Ottobre 2017 - MIAAO, Galleria Sottana - Via Maria Vittoria 5, Torino
Curators: Enzo Biffi Gentili, Michele Bortolami, Tommaso Delmastro